Department of Centre for Cultural Studies

The discipline of Cultural Studies is a relatively new and innovative field of study that thrives in various fields, such as literature, popular culture, gender and sexuality, sustainability, history as well as intellectual and socio-cultural movements, alternative forms of social praxis, and the digital media. Cultural Studies investigates how culture, society, history, politics and technology are interacting in the modern world, drawing on critical theories and contextual assessments. Understanding the crucial issues of production and consumption, speech and ideology, and alternatives in the contexts of local history and global development is made possible by Cultural Studies. In the years to come, all these factors will play a crucial role in shaping our cultural imagination, educational programs and policies. The Centre for Cultural Studies shall continue to support the field on a global scale by encouraging rigorous transdisciplinary research on diverse perspectives, undertaking innovative teaching, and community engagement and practices. .


  • The CCS is devoted to pursuing interdisciplinary studies in the field of humanities and social sciences, drawing methodologies from various fields of study like Literature, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Performing Arts, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Gender and Queer Studies, etc. The central aim is to foreground new ideas and drive societal change.
  • The centre shall focus on providing an inclusive and dynamic curriculum. It aims to cultivate critical thinking abilities that will allow the students to evaluate and comprehend cultural practices, phenomena, and products across many societies and historical periods.
  • To develop a critical understanding of the role of mass media and digital technologies in shaping contemporary culture and society.
  • To equip students with professional skills relevant to careers in academics, media, the arts, cultural policy, and other fields where cultural analysis and understanding are valuable.
  • To encourage engagement with communities and public discourse on cultural issues, often through partnerships, collaborative projects and public programmes.
  • To develop innovative pedagogy to enhance the teaching learning experience. Hence, niche and unconventional short-term courses such as ethnography and travelogues are proposed to be included.
  • To acquire hands-on approach to tackle real-life problems, field work is included as a necessary component. Community engagement courses and courses on cultural documentation of oral history will also be offered.
  • The centre aims to offer introductory courses on core areas of the Arts such as painting, sculpture, music, theatre, photography, film-making, acting and creative writing. These courses are taught by reputed practicing artists rather than academicians, to foster an intellectual environment conducive to innovation and novel approaches to learning, teaching and research.
  • It aims to introduce Overseas Immersion Programmes to provide enhanced learning experiences for students, offering them comprehensive academic immersion and experiential understanding of socio-cultural dynamics.

Our goal is to establish ourselves as a premier centre of excellence in Cultural Studies, recognised for our transformative research, teaching and outreach endeavours that seamlessly connect academic inquiry with real-world impact.


Curriculum and Syllabus


APPSCON-2024 National Conference

Meetings and Workshops

70077 | Dr. Tulasi Madhuri Thotakura

Organized By
Dept of Pharmacology GIMSR

Dr Yella Pragada Subbarao Auditorium|VSP

Kautilya Colloquy

Meetings and Workshops

600262 | Panicker Ajesh Vijayan

Organized By
Kautilya School of Public Policy

Kautilya School of Public Policy|HYD

Other Humanities and Social Sciences Departments