Sushmita Pareek

Sushmita Pareek

Assistant Professor

Department of English and Other Languages

GITAM School of Humanities and Social Sciences



Ph. D.

Sushmita Pareek has a doctoral degree from Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies (CALTS), University of Hyderabad, India. She is a recipient of Erasmus+ worldwide scholarship and worked at Peter Szondi Institute of Comparative Literature, Freie University, Berlin. She has a Master’s degree in English Literature from Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University and an Honors degree in English from Delhi University, India.

Research Publications

  • Pareek, Sushmita and Rahul Pawar. “Visdehi  Bhashaon Me Anudit Hindi Sahitya.” GAGANCHAL, vol. SPECIAL ISSUE, Oct. 2024, pp. 265–74.
  • Pareek, Sushmita. 2024. Unlikely Friends in Patriarchal Lands: An Ecofeminist Reading of Rajasthani Folktale “Sonal Bai”. Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment. Vol. 15, no.1. DOI:
  • Pareek, Sushmita. 2020. Translating Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox to Hindi: A Case Study of Translated Children’s Literature. Translation Today, Vol. 14(2). 119-134. DOI: 10.46623/tt/2020.14.2.ar7


  • Check Icon Cultural and Folklore Studies, Translation Studies , Ecocriticism and Children's Literature.
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