Associate Professor, Physics, GSS, VSP
Received PhD from Chunganam National Univ., S.Korea in Materials Eng. Post-doc internationally reputed research institutions Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR). Institute of Telecommunications, Portugal. Joined GITAM in Sep-2016. Present I am a MURTI Faculty fellow which is a prestigious position offered by the GITAM. Completed a project from SERB-ECR, 29Lakhs.Got a major project from DAE-CSR, 7Lak. Recently got SERB-CRG, 32Lakhs.
Research Publications
- Chandra Sekhar Angani, Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Artur Ribeiro, Tiago Jorge Rocha, Evaluation of Transient Eddy Current Oscillations Response for Thickness Measurement of Stainless Steel Plate, Measurement, Vol.90, pp. 59-63, August 2016.
- Chandra Sekhar Angani , Helena G. Ramos, Artur L. Ribeiro,Tiago J. Rocha, B. Prashanth, “Lift-off Point of Intersection Feature in Transient Eddy Current Oscillations Method to Detect Thickness Variation in Stainless Steel”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.52 , Feb 2016
- Chandra S. Angani , Helena G. Ramos, Artur L. Ribeiro,Tiago J. Rocha, B. Prashanth, “Transient eddy current oscillations method for the inspection of thickness change in stainless steel”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 233, pp. 217–223, 2015
- Mónica P. Arenas, Tiago J. Rocha, ChandraS. Angani, Artur L. Ribeiro, Helena G. Ramos, Carlos B. Eckstein, João M.A. Rebello, Gabriela R. Pereira, Novel austenitic steel ageing classification method using eddy current testing and a support vector machine, Elsevier: Measurement, Volume 127, October 2018, Pages 98-103.
- C. S. Angani, D. G. Park, C. G. Kim, P. Leela, M. Kishore and Y. M. Cheong, ‘Pulsed eddy current differential probe to detect the defects in a stainless steel pipe’, J. Appl. Phy., Vol. 109, 2011
Ongoing Research Projects
- Funded By: UGC-DAE-CSR, Title: “Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Testing for inspection of Magnetic Pulse Welded joints" Worth: Rs. 7 Laks for 3-years,
- Funded By: DST-SERB Core Research Grant (CRG), Title: "Development of an Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Testing System for Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Materials". Worth: Rs. 35 Lakhs 3-years.
- Funded By: Cetral Mining and Design Istitute Limited (CMPDI), Coal India LImited, Title: "Developemet of Novel NDT Instrumet usig 3D Asymmetric Giant Magnetoimpedance Sensor for Minnes" Worth: Rs. 91 Laks.
- • Funded By: DST-SERB-Early Career Research (ECR), Title: "Development of a new Non-destructive testing method for the detection of hidden corrosion and cracks in stainless steel structures", Worth: Rs. 29 Laks for 3-years.
- Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Testing, Eddy Current NDT, Pulsed ECT, Magetic Flux Leakage, Transiet Eddy Curret Oscillations (TECO), Barkhause Noise, Velocity induced ECT, Magnetic Field Sensors, Electronics Instrumentation.