Shirsendu  Ghosh

Shirsendu Ghosh

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

GITAM School of Science



Ph. D.

Dr. Shirsendu Ghosh obtained his M.Sc. (IIT Kharagpur) and Ph.D. (IACS, Kolkata). He completed postdoctoral stints at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and Cornell University, USA. His expertise is to develop and use new optical spectroscopy and microscopy techniques to investigate immunological signaling, cancer biology, membrane biophysics, and allosteric signaling of proteins. He received Ramanujan Fellowship, DST-inspire-faculty fellowship, Koshland Prize, Israel, CSIR-NET Fellowship.

Research Publications

  • 1. Shirsendu Ghosh, Koyel Banerjee Ghosh, Dorit Levy, David Scheerer, Inbal Riven, Jieun Shin, Harry Gray, Ron Naaman*, Gilad Haran*, “Control of protein activity by photoinduced spin polarized charge reorganization” PNAS, USA 2022, 119, e2204735119-1-6.
  • 2. Shirsendu Ghosh, Sara Feigelson, Alessio Montresor, Eyal Shimoni, Francesco Roncato, Daniel Legler, Carlo Laudanna, Gilad Haran*, Ronen Alon*. “CCR7 is clustered on tips of lymphocyte microvilli in proximity to a specialized subset of LFA-1” Biophysical Journal, 2021, 120, 4002-4012; Featured on the banner of the Weizmann Institute of Science homepage:
  • 3. Shirsendu Ghosh, Koyel Banerjee-Ghosh, Dorit Levy, Inbal Riven, Ron Naaman,* Gilad Haran* “Substrates modulate charge-reorganization allosteric effects in protein-protein association” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12, 2805-2808.
  • 4. Koyel Banerjee-Ghosh, # Shirsendu Ghosh, # Hisham Mazal, Inbal Riven, Gilad Haran,* Ron Naaman,* (# The first two authors contributed equally, *Corresponding authors) “Long-range charge reorganization as an allosteric control signal in proteins” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 20456–20462
  • 5. Shirsendu Ghosh*, Vincenzo Di Bartolo, Liron Tubul, Eyal Shimoni, Elena Kartvelishvily, Tali Dadosh, Sara W. Feigelson, Ronen Alon, Andres Alcover and Gilad Haran* “ERM-Dependent Assembly of T-Cell Receptor Signaling and Co-stimulatory Molecules on Microvilli Prior to Activation” Cell Reports 2020, 30, 3434-3447. e6. (*Corresponding Author)

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Check Icon 1. Budget: 33 Lakhs INR. Title: ‘Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of Curvature Controlled Interaction of Proteins with Biological Membrane and Its Relevancy in Cellular Function: A Spectroscopic and Microscopic Study’ Funding Agency: SERB, DST, India
  • Check Icon 2. Budget: 5 Lakhs INR. Title: ‘Development of low-cost protein-coated copper nano-clusters for drug delivery and ion sensing: A spectroscopic and microscopic study’ Funding Agency: GITAM SEED Grant, India


  • Check Icon 1. Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Super-Resolution Microscopy
  • Check Icon 2. Immunology and Cancer Biology
  • Check Icon 3. Allosteric Signaling in Proteins
  • Check Icon 4. Membrane Biophysics and cell membrane topography
  • Check Icon 5. Solvation Dynamics, Proton Transfer and FRET
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